Estamos presente en los cinco continentes, teniendo delegaciones, representantes y obras realizadas en más de 35 países actualmente. Para cualquier tipo de consulta (productos,
formación, presupuestos de obra, etc.), no dudes en contactarnos.



We are an organisation dedicated to the commercialisation and innovation of coatings and decorative systems for interiors and exteriors. We also offer training in the use and application of our products for interested professionals.

We are currently present through distributors, delegations and professionals in Spain, Europe, South America, North America, Asia and Australia.

As a company committed to the quality of our products, protection and respect for the environment, CimentArt’s management has focused the management systems as a way to treat and organize the environmental and quality aspects carried out in the organization: emergencies, risks, legal requirements, customer satisfaction, product quality and continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the system among others.

To this end, CimentArt’s management systems are based on:

  • Promote an efficient use of available natural resources. 
  • Establish and regularly review objectives and goals in terms of quality and environment, in accordance with the commitments made in this statement. 
  • For the effective application of these principles, the support of both the management team and the staff is absolutely necessary. 
  • To train and raise awareness among the organisation’s staff regarding environmental and quality performance, as well as to provide the necessary resources for the proper functioning of the management systems implemented. 
  • The systems and their improvement are the responsibility of all the members of the organisation, starting from the top. 
  • Quality leads us to pay maximum attention to technological evolution and to the possible improvements that new technologies may make available to us.
  • We implement, maintain and continuously improve the integrated quality and environmental management systems, by means of the requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001 standards, as well as complying with the legislation and regulations related to the product, service, quality, environment and any other applicable requirements.
  • We are committed to continuous improvement, quality and pollution prevention both in production processes and service provision, as well as in the effectiveness of the management systems implemented, in which preventing errors is a fundamental aspect. We establish actions to address risks in order to eliminate, reduce or control them.
  • We work with the aim of offering the highest quality in our products and services to satisfy our customers’ needs. We continuously improve in the planning, organisation, review and control of our production and service systems, according to the evaluation required by the market, promoting energy efficiency and recycling, from the design phase of the products and processes, reducing, whenever possible, the waste and emissions generated by our activities.
  • We promote internal communication systems on the effectiveness of the policy, standards and results in terms of risk prevention, encouraging the participation and consultation of both our own workers and those of external companies.
  • We collaborate with our suppliers and subcontractors in the improvement of quality and environmental performance. 
  • We maintain an open and collaborative relationship with our customers (and interested parties) through the commitment of the entire organisation to meet their needs and requirements, as well as legal and regulatory requirements and those of the products themselves, improving information to the outside.

The management systems implemented in CimentArt require the participation and collaboration of all so this policy is disseminated to all interested parties.

The management will periodically review this policy in order to develop the concept of continuous improvement and ensuring, in this way, its updated maintenance.

In San Juan de Alicante, Alicante, 16th February 2022. Rev.02